The Lord Is My Shepherd


NOTICE: The Lord Is My Shepherd Virtual Study with Pastor Shane will resume on Thursday, May 20, 2021.


Pastor Shane will teach through this series of lessons and share from the Twenty-third Psalm in this series.  The Bible says, “All we like sheep have gone astray.” Sheep need a Shepherd. The very first expression in Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd,” has helped troubled hearts for thousands of years. I trust this book will help you know and love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Series Lessons

Lesson 1
God Found His Man
1 Samuel 16:1
Thursday, April 8th | 7PM

Lesson 2
The Glory Due His Name
Psalm 29:2
Thursday, April 15th | 7PM

 Lesson 3
The Lord Is My Shepherd
Psalm 23:1
Thursday, April 22nd | 7PM

Lesson 4
He Maketh Me to Lie Down
Psalm 23:2
Thursday, April 29th | 7PM

Lesson 5
He Leadeth Me
Psalm 23:2
Thursday, May 20th | 7PM

Lesson 6
He Restoreth My Soul
Psalm 23:3
Thursday, May 27th | 7PM

Lesson 7
For His Name's Sake
Psalm 23:3
Thursday, June 3rd | 7PM

Lesson 8
The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Psalm 23:4
Thursday, June 10th | 7PM

Lesson 9
Thy Rod and Thy Staff
Psalm 23:4
Thursday, June 17th | 7PM

Lesson 10
In The Presence of Mine Enemies
Psalm 23:5
Thursday, June 24th | 7PM

Lesson 11
My Cup Runneth Over
Psalm 23:5
Thursday, July 1st | 7PM

Lesson 12
All the Days of My Life
Psalm 23:6
Thursday, July 8th | 7PM

Lesson 13
I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord
Psalm 23:6
Thursday, July 15th | 7PM



As a teacher of God's Word, I have a strong desire to be as effective as possible because I know that people need to hear and understand the Bible.  I am looking forward to teaching this series.  This series will be broken into three different sessions.  The goals for this series are:
  1. To understand that the object of our faith is to be the Lord Jesus Christ and that we must keep our eyes on Him.
  2. To learn that our faith in God is demonstrated by living a life of obedience to God's Word.
  3. To allow the Lord to be great in our lives so that others will know what a mighty God He truly is.
  4. To live by faith in our homes and take seriously our responsibility to teach our children of God and His Word.
  5. To determine by God's Grace to finish right and to die with strong faith in the Lord.


This study will begin on Thursday, April 8, 2021
Meets on Thursday's at 7 PM ONLINE
Please arrive 5 minutes prior to meeting time
Study Length:  13-Weeks
Join Meeting:
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+1 385-645-7081‬ PIN: ‪405 043 678‬#
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